Dear Partners, friends ug mga Igsoon,
Last night before I slept I shared with you why the "Lordship of Christ" is the culmination of the Gospel and therefore a very Good News for all of us. Recognizing the Lordship of Christ does not only put God in His right place but also putting us in our right place, to the very purpose of why God created us. To give Him glory and worship Him as our King and Lord. There is no other way we can be His true worshipers but under His Lordship. In my illustration of the fish, this is the chance of a lifetime that we will experience the place where we really belong!
But many of us including myself, is like a fish that after God brought us to life prefer to stay in the wetland where we both like/dislike the life in the seashore but also afraid to launch into the deep blue ocean of His Lordship where we can experience God. When we donot plunge ourselves into the Lordship of Christ, we are like a fish trapped into a small pond in a wetland (Hunasan), we are alive but always fearful that anytime the pond will run dry. So we do anything we can to make the pond bigger and deeper but at the end of the day we realize that we are just a small fish that can only move not even a stone but only a grain of sand. Our growth is very limited, because we can only grow according to the resources in that small pond.
But, while in that small pond God has never forgotten us. He sends a regular hightides in order to replenish the water and bring in new food, BUT most of all, hightides are His INVITATION for us to go with Him into the deep. His invitation for us to be at home with Him, where God will be everything to us, He is incharge, His will is our guide, His joy is our joy and His heartbeat becomes our heartbeat.
Hightides happen when we are fully aware of Him and we feel that He is asking us to step by faith and trust Him that He will see us through. But sadly, when the current of God starts to carry us into the deep, we resist with all our might and when the low tide comes we find ourselves into the same little pond, hoping that someday another hightide will come again.
Mga Igsoon ko, living in the wetland (not plunging into the Lordship of Christ) is quite dangerous because anything that would create a splash in that small pond might bring you back to the dry land and we know what will happen to a fish in the dry land. Surely the Lord does not want us to stay there forever. He wants us to plunge early into His Lordship because His Lordship is non-negotiable, every body will recognize it either now or later. His words declare that every toungue will confess and every knees will bow declaring that He is LORD of all, but the bad news is not everyone who will declare Him Lord later will be with Him for eternity. The demons, the people who did not surrender to His Lordship in their life time will be in the different place where He is.
Now how about those who are in the wetland?... I am not to judge, nor wanting to create a contrversy, go to the Bible and ask God, be at peace with what God will reveal to you. But for me, the safest place for a fish is the ocean and not in the wetland. Same with man, the safest place for man is in Jesus, being the only savior and Lord of our lives. This simple Gospel, who is Jesus has far greater implication than the different forms and legalistic rituals and activities of Chritianity today.
If our Christian life does not start with confrontation of who Jesus is, and if it is not settled to us that Jesus is the only Savior and LORD of our lives, there is no Christian life to live with. We thrive only in Christian groups and environment because they are nice people, they are our former classmates and friends back in college, they are safe to be with, but deep inside us, we do not care who Jesus is. We never consider Him in any area of our lives not even in our decision much more in our actions. Oh yeah, we call upon Him to assist us, we call upon Him when we mess up our lives, we call upon Him to bail us out of the mess and trick Him with some promises that we will be good and go straight after He bail us out. We call upon Him when we do not have money becuase of our indiscreminate spending. We call upon Him when we get sick because of stress in putting all our efforts to secure our future. We call upon Him during examinations and forcing God to let us pass etc... Sure God loves to hear those prayers... but how He wish that He will be more than just an assistant to us. HE is the LORD!!! and that's what we need. We need Him as our Lord because that's the way He created us.
I'll stop here, and again as I am sharing this to you I am also preaching the Gospel, (Jesus) to my self.