What kind of holiness the Lord expect from us? Can we live to his standard? Here are the next red-letter words in my Bible.
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.... Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven.... Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Mat 5:17-48
RG: Lord I thought when I accepted you in my life I will no longer be under the Law but here, you seem to be saying the opposite.
The Lord Jesus seems to say: Exactly RG, in fact I am setting a higher standard than the Law.
The Law says that when you murder you will be subject to judgment BUT I say, when you hate your brother you will be subject to the same judgment.The Law says do not commit adultery, BUT I say, when you look at a woman lustfully you are already committing adultery.The Law says when you want a divorce just give her a certificate of divorce BUT I say, don't even think of divorce, for you will be causing her and other to commit adultery.The Law says fulfill your oath, BUT I say, don't even make an oath simply make your yes be yes and no be no.The Law says eye for an eye, BUT I say do not even think of revenge instead offer more of yourself.The Law says Love your neighbor and hate your enemy BUT I say love them both, pray even for your enemy.
RG: Oh Lord, you have indeed set a very much higher standard than the Law. If no one has ever followed the Law how much more these revised standard.
The Lord Jesus seems to say: and this is my final words RG as far as the new standard is concern "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. "
RG: Lord, I thought your yoke is easy and your burden is light. How can it be easy and light if your standard is very high!
The Lord Jesus seems to say: Hehehe you are missing the whole point RG, read again what I said before I lay down the new standard.
RG: Ok here's what you said "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
The Lord Jesus seems to say: Who will fulfill them? You or me?
RG: Oh Lord, so it's YOU again who will fulfill them.
The Lord Jesus seems to say: Yes RG, when I came here on earth, I have fulfilled even the comma and period of the Law. The biggest of which is the Death that the Law requires for anyone who sins.
RG: Lord, I'm beginning to understand why your yoke is easy and your burden is light. It's because you yourself has fulfilled it in me. Unlike the way religion put burden to people.
The Lord Jesus seems to say: And here is my Good News to you RG. The fulfillment of the law does not end on the cross because when I gave you myself as my greatest gift, I also chose you in whom I can fulfill the Law. In fact I will fulfill in you not only the Law but even higher standard than the Law.
RG: Oh Lord this is too much for me to handle, how can you do that to a sinful man like me?
The Lord Jesus seems to say: Oh RG, my son and my friend, until now you have not understood what I've done to you. I purchased you with my precious blood. I made you holy, and that's what you are! Holy man of God!
RG: Oh Lord forgive me... I know that I can only be holy because of you, but how can I maintain that holiness?
The Lord seems to say: Oh RG my son, my friend, you don't even have to think how to maintain your holiness. I've done that already! What you need to do in order to experience this holiness is you ABIDE in me. Apart from me RG you can't do anything. That is why I told you that you treasure ME as your greatest gift from God because I will be your holiness, in fact I am your everything.
RG: Oh my God, ... my Lord,... my Father... and my Friend, teach me to love you and treasure you in my life more than anything else. Help me to abide in you not just on a daily basis but moment by moment Lord. I remember just now that those moments when I sinned, it was the time that I was not abiding in you.