Tuesday, August 31, 2010

New Standard of the Law

What kind of holiness the Lord expect from us? Can we live to his standard? Here are the next red-letter words in my Bible.
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.... Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven.... Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Mat 5:17-48
RG: Lord I thought when I accepted you in my life I will no longer be under the Law but here, you seem to be saying the opposite.

The Lord Jesus seems to say: Exactly RG, in fact I am setting a higher standard than the Law.
The Law says that when you murder you will be subject to judgment BUT I say, when you hate your brother you will be subject to the same judgment.

The Law says do not commit adultery, BUT I say, when you look at a woman lustfully you are already committing adultery.

The Law says when you want a divorce just give her a certificate of divorce BUT I say, don't even think of divorce, for you will be causing her and other to commit adultery.

The Law says fulfill your oath, BUT I say, don't even make an oath simply make your yes be yes and no be no.

The Law says eye for an eye, BUT I say do not even think of revenge instead offer more of yourself.

The Law says Love your neighbor and hate your enemy BUT I say love them both, pray even for your enemy.

RG: Oh Lord, you have indeed set a very much higher standard than the Law. If no one has ever followed the Law how much more these revised standard.

The Lord Jesus seems to say: and this is my final words RG as far as the new standard is concern "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. "

RG: Lord, I thought your yoke is easy and your burden is light. How can it be easy and light if your standard is very high!

The Lord Jesus seems to say: Hehehe you are missing the whole point RG, read again what I said before I lay down the new standard.

RG: Ok here's what you said "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

The Lord Jesus seems to say: Who will fulfill them? You or me?

RG: Oh Lord, so it's YOU again who will fulfill them.

The Lord Jesus seems to say: Yes RG, when I came here on earth, I have fulfilled even the comma and period of the Law. The biggest of which is the Death that the Law requires for anyone who sins.

RG: Lord, I'm beginning to understand why your yoke is easy and your burden is light. It's because you yourself has fulfilled it in me. Unlike the way religion put burden to people.

The Lord Jesus seems to say: And here is my Good News to you RG. The fulfillment of the law does not end on the cross because when I gave you myself as my greatest gift, I also chose you in whom I can fulfill the Law. In fact I will fulfill in you not only the Law but even higher standard than the Law.

RG: Oh Lord this is too much for me to handle, how can you do that to a sinful man like me?

The Lord Jesus seems to say: Oh RG, my son and my friend, until now you have not understood what I've done to you. I purchased you with my precious blood. I made you holy, and that's what you are! Holy man of God!

RG: Oh Lord forgive me... I know that I can only be holy because of you, but how can I maintain that holiness?

The Lord seems to say: Oh RG my son, my friend, you don't even have to think how to maintain your holiness. I've done that already! What you need to do in order to experience this holiness is you ABIDE in me. Apart from me RG you can't do anything. That is why I told you that you treasure ME as your greatest gift from God because I will be your holiness, in fact I am your everything.

RG: Oh my God, ... my Lord,... my Father... and my Friend, teach me to love you and treasure you in my life more than anything else. Help me to abide in you not just on a daily basis but moment by moment Lord. I remember just now that those moments when I sinned, it was the time that I was not abiding in you.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Blessed to be a Blessing

What is God's purpose when God called us to himself? Here's the next red-letter words in my Bible.

Mat 5:13-16 "You are the salt of the earth.'.... "You are the light of the world.

RG: Lord what do you mean by being salt of the earth and light of the world?

The Lord Jesus seems to say: You know RG when the Father brought you to me, I have two main purposes. These purposes are generally the same as when I called Abraham out of Ur of Chaldean. First, I want to bless you. Second, I want to make you a blessing to others.

RG: Wow Lord! what a purpose to live with. Oh I like the first one, but I need more grace for the second one hehehehe.

The Lord Jesus seems to say:Yes I know, I can still smell your concept of blessing. I want to
reitirate RG that the ultimate "Blessing is ME".

RG: Yes Lord I need to learn this "that the ultimate blessing is YOU". It will not matter what my life situation is, may I be in abundance or in wants, in good health or in sickness, honored or ridiculed and persecuted.I understand that although I have you in full as the "great blessing" yet many of its effects has yet to come.

The Lord Jesus seems to say: That is right RG, unless I am sufficient to you, you will never experience the abundant life that I promised you to have.

RG: Lord before we leave this topic of "Blessing me" puede mohirit? You mentioned about Abraham, and if I look at him in the Bible, indeed he became very wealthy, and he indeed became a great nation, is this not your ultimate blessing to him?

The Lord Jesus seems to say:Hehehehe I know what you are implying, but go ahead read the life of Abraham and find out what is his greatest blessing. Everytime you read any form of blessing I gave to Abraham list them down.

RG: Oh This is exciting...ok Lord I will read about his life again.. (turned to the Bible and start reading from Gen 12) Ok Lord I will start my list now:
1.I will make you into a great nation (Gen. 12:2)
2.I will make your name great (Gen. 12:2)
3. I will make you a blessing (Gen. 12:2)
4. I Will deal with people the same way they will deal with you. If they bless you I bless them If they will curse you I will also curse them. (Gen. 12:3)
5. I will bless all people on earth through you. (Gen. 12:3)
6. I will give this land (Canaan) to your offspring.(Gen. 12:7)
7. Abram (In Egypt) acquired sheep and cattle, male and female donkeys, menservants and maidservants, and camels.
8. Abram had become very wealthy in livestock and in silver and gold.(Gen 13:2)
9. Their (Abraham and Lot) possessions were so great that they were not able to stay together. (Gen 13:6)
10. (Abraham, Standing in Canaan God told him)"Look north, south, east and west all the land you see I give you and your offspring forever.(Gen 13:14-15)
11. I will make your offspring numbering like the dust on earth (Gen13:16)
12. Abram (became mighty) returned from defeating Kedorlaomer and the kings allied with him (Gen 14:17)
Ok Lord I think I have listed all and these proved my point on how you blessed Abraham.

The Lord Jesus seems to say: I want you to read a little bit farther...

RG: Ok Lord, I am now in Gen 15...(shocked!) Oh my God, here is what you want to say about your greatest blessing to Abraham.
Gen 15:1 After this, the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: "Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward."
Oh Lord, so it was not the things I envied about Abraham's blessing. But Abraham's greatest blessing is YOU...YOU are his greatest reward!

The Lord Jesus seems to say: You are right RG, It's my personal relationship with Abraham that I valued most, the same way as I value my relationship with you. That is why my greatest blessing and reward to both of you is MYSELF. Yes, there were great men in the Bible like Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, David and many others. Many of them became wealthy and mighty. But I want you to remember them as "men who walked with ME", "MY friends", "men after My own heart" and "men who trusted ME".

As to the other blessings? who gave and will fulfill them anyway? is it not I? I gave them to you according to what you can handle and for a purpose. Abraham can handle great wealth and power, and you can handle the things that you have now. At the end its not how much I gave you, but I will make an account on how you handle them.

RG: Thank you Lord for driving it deeper into my heart. Thank you for giving your self to me as the Ultimate blessing of God. Now I am ready to listen for the next purpose why God brought me to you.

The Lord Jesus seems to say: When I came on earth, I came as light when you accepted me the light was transfered to you. I expect you to pass on this light to others. You are also the salt of the earth called to preserve the decaying society and be a seasoning in this unpalatable world.

RG: This is a big responsibility Lord. how can I do it?

The Lord Jesus seems to say: RG you cannot be a light and salt apart from me. As you walk close with me, people around you will see it and will be blessed. because if you walk close with me, you will be sensitive with my instructions and as you obey, people will be blessed. They will see you as my follower and then recognize God in you. Then you must tell them about me so that they too can receive the blessing. This is the way the blessing moves from one person to the other. This should continue until all nations on earth hear about this blessing and then I will come to give you and others who accepted me the full effect of this blessing.

RG: Lord why do you need to do it with us? You can do it by yourself or with your angels right?

The Lord Jesus seems to say: Yes I can...but I chose to involve you because I love you. I want to bless you more, I want you to know me better, I want to pour my heart to you what I feel towards these people. I want you to be my friend who knows my heartbeat, that's why...

RG: Oh Lord, I am your unworthy servant...but I thank you for the privilege for being salt and light.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I just realized that Blessedness or happiness according to these verses is rooted in heaven and in God Himself... these are the next red-letter words in my Bible.

"Blessed are the ....... for ........." Matt5:3-12

RG: Lord I want to live a blessed life what does it mean to have a blessed life?

The Lord Jesus seemingly saying: Go ahead list down the last portion of the verse and you will find out what is a blessed life.

RG: Ok Lord here are the list:
1. Theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
2. They are comforted.
3. They are heirs of the earth.
4. They are filled
5. They are shown mercy
6. They see God
7. They are called sons/daughter of God.
8. Their reward in heaven is great.
Lord what a contrast on what we believe blessedness are. I thought blessedness are:
1. Having money to meet our needs now and in the future.
2. Having a decent house with enough space for the things we want to do.
3. Having car to take us where we want to go.
4. Having a family that are loving.
5. Having a wife/husband who love us and our children.
6. Having good health
7. Having a source of income/work which is easy and less stressful.
8. Having community/church/group who meet our spiritual and social needs.

The Lord Jesus seemingly saying: Yes RG unless you redefine what a blessed life means, then you will find life on earth miserable at least in one area of your life if not all.

RG: Lord it seems to me that a blessed life is a life which is rooted and focussed on heaven and in the future rather than here on earth and now. This is what made it difficult for us to understand or made it it less attractive to many, because people just want the "NOW".

The Lord Jesus seemingly saying: RG if you move one step forward on what you said "heaven and future" you will end up right in front of ME. That is exactly where the blessedness is. I love you RG and I want you to be always in front of me, right here in my presence.

RG: Oh Lord, I just want to be where you are..

The Lord seemingly saying: Yes RG, I already broke the barrier between me and you when I lay down my life on the cross, now you can be as close to me as you want it to be but I want to tell you that it will cost you something.

RG: Yes Lord I observed that its in the first part of these verses.

The Lord seemingly saying: Go ahead list it down

RG: Ok Lord I hope I will not discover something that I am not willing to pay. Anyway here they are:
1. Be poor in the spirit
2. Mourn (for your condition and others)
3. Be meek
4. Hunger and Thirst for righteousness
5. Be Merciful
6. Be pure in heart
7. Be a peace maker
8. Be willing to be persecuted and insulted
Lord, these has little things to do with what should I do but rather these are more of a descriptive of what should my heart be.

The Lord Jesus seemingly saying: You are right RG, but it will cost you your pride, it will cost you your comfort, it will cost your treasured sinful habits, it will cost you time and money to be really merciful, it will cost to walk extra miles, it will cost you your honor... it will cost you your life. Are you willing to pay the cost of a blessed life?

RG: (mummed and in deep, long silence...) Lord have mercy I need your grace to say yes!

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