On the subject of Lordship...
We will all be amazed when we go to heaven. There will be those we think should not be there. Some men and women whose lives are inconsistent with the Gospel call. We will see there hyper Calvinisitics and hyper Arminian in heaven no longer arguing about the role of men (as in Lordship) and the role of God through Jesus' emptied cross and the HS convicting us of our sins (as in pure grace). One thing I am sure, salvation is a gift and a mystery.
Geoff Garton's BS material on Doctrinal Study of Salvation is really good. This is actually equivalent with one subject on Systematic Theology. We still have that in our bookstore.
Eseng Victolero
Thank you moderator for laying out these questions for reflection and thanks to those who share their thoughts on the topic of salvation and Lordship.
I happen to believe and agree with Kuya Eseng that salvation is both a mystery and a gift. The terms are on the Giver and not on us. The Giver makes the call and grant it to those He chooses to receive. Ours is just a matter of gratitude to His great love through Jesus Christ. Repentance and Lordship is a lifetime process and an act of worship.