Mga igsoon,
Mga tig tampo ning atong hisgot hisgot, palihog ug sumpay sa latest nga post and do not erase ang previous posts kay ganahan ko nga at any point sa atong discussion anybody can follow thw previous thoughs we had. Kapoy baya ug cut and paste sa inyoung tampo.
Haay, salamat wala kaila sa ko si Edd. Kuya wency siguro pag tagal tagal bisaya ka na rin.
Salamat kaayo sa inyong mga tampo, nag kanidot na ni atong balay nga Cebu Navs, naa busy sa re-union, naa sa kilid nalingaw sa ilang kinumustahay, naa gakalipay sa mga answered payered, naa nagahilak, naa gusto mag bake ug mag pinirito, naa ay gangisingisi sa kilid, Naa pud nagapangutana sa ila kugalingon "Hala no save ba kaha ko?" hehehehehe, Naay tigulang, not so young ang not so old hehehehe what a beatiful community to be with.
Balik ko sa atong hisgot-hisgot. I have no objection on the things that you said. The hopelessness that you said is the conclusion of the king who encountered the KING with great power, he saw himself as hopeless so he gave up, he subject himself to Jesus, and accept Jesus and what He said about Himself. Jesus did not sugar-coat the fact that He is the only Savior and Lord (Son of God)..
When people who wanted to define what a Messiah is (someone who can always perform a magic of multiplying food exponentially) left Him because He was trying to redefine what a real Messiah is, he turned to his disciples and asked "What about you? are you willing to leave also? He was happy when Peter recognized it that He is the Christ (Savior) and the Son of the living God (Lord).
From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more. 67 Then Jesus said to the twelve, “Do you also want to go away?” 68 But Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. 69 Also we have come to believe and know that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”[John 6:66-69]
Peter was in the state of "hopelessness" "to whom shall we go?" then right infront of him, was Jesus, the who holds eternal life, the Christ (Savior) and the Son of God (Lord), then he surrendered...Those who left were members of "Jesus fans club" they liked Jesus because He can provide bread instantly. But when Jesus ceased to be what they like him to be they left.
What is amazing to me is the verse before that. Joh 6:65 And He said, “Therefore I have said to you that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted to him by My Father.”
Wow!! the opportunity to come to Jesus face to face and recognize him of who is He is (as the Only Savior and Lord) that in itself is a gift from God. The twelve disciples were given that opportunity including Judas. Eleven of them made the right response of surrender, but one did not.
Mga igsoon ko diri sa Cebu Navs, I think all of us has given the grace of meeting Jesus face to face and able to know and recognize Him as the only Savior and Lord. And i pray that all of us has grabbed that opportunity, and be forever grateful for that. Being here in the midst of this M world my heart bleeds for the multitude of people who has not yet given the opportunity to come face to face with Jesus.
Mga igsoon ko I pray that we will not join or remain as members of "Jesus Fans Club" or Paul's fans club or Peter's fan club nor "Bay Venric's fans club" Let us all put Jesus in His proper place. Again like Kuya Wency said, no one will be perfect in obeying our KING, we stumble, we fall and we have weaknesses, and we thank God that in all of these they are all taken cared of by His Grace." But it must be clear that the Sum Total of the ledger (sakto ba ako term ani mga accountant?) is Jesus is Lord of our lives.
Rom 10:9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus (Jesus as the Lord in other translation) and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
This verse I believe does not say that confessing Jesus as Lord is will guarantee a 100% obedience in our part and in every area in our lives. But rather confessing is a declaration, a chosen direction of life, a life that is surrendered to Jesus. This we need to preach Jesus (the gospel) to ourselves daily and in every situation, especially when it comes to issues in life where the decision of whom to follow "Jesus or me" is invovlve, some of us can easily yield and dont even dare to fight, some may dare to fight and engage God in arguments, (like Job and the prophets) but a person who have confessed Jesus as lord, always have the white flag ready in his pocket, because he knows that he has no match for this King.
I had a good fight with this KING during by burned-out days for more than 8 months I do not want even to think about Him. I was so dissappointed with Him because dispite that I was "serving" Him full time, He did not give what I asked, so nangluod ko, I fought Him with a silent treatment (I know wives never like this kind of fight hehehe) looking back it was really a fight of who is lord between the two of us. And one day He pushed His Lordship a little harder, I heard His voice almost audibly saying " RG, you are running away from Me, but where are you going?" I knelt down, and slowly take out my white flag and said "Yes LORD, you are right, I have nowhere to go, because whereever I go you are there" It was not just His Lordship that reign but also His Love, mercy and Grace. Now I am awed "What Kind of LORD is He!!!, very gentle and loving full of mercy and grace" So Let us not be affraid to take Jesus as Lord, nor be affraid of sharing Jesus as Lord right at the start.
Haay taasa na diay sa akong nasulat.