Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Poor in Spirit

The next red letters in my Bible
Mat 5:3-4 "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."
Jesus taught these directly to His disciples. Others called this Beatitudes.

RG: Lord, Mat. 5 is a gold mine as far you teaching is concerned.

Lord Jesus seemingly saying: Yeah, I want you to prepare for it with a different mind. Remember what I taught you in the the preaching of John which was also my preaching? "Repent for the Kingdom of God is near". My teachings here are all Kingdom values and you can not understand many of these if you will not listen with different mindset (repentant).

RG: Oh Lord, please help me because I am not so familiar yet with thinking in different mindset.

Lord Jesus seemingly saying: That's good because its very much related to my first teaching. "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

RG: Oh yeah , how Lord? are you hinting that unable to think differently is being poor in the spirit? You know Lord I have a very negative experience about that word "poor in spirit". My mother use to call people without common sense as "pobre espiritu" that is why it was a surprise to me that people with "pobre espiritu" are actually blessed and the Kingdom of Heaven are theirs. How could this be?

Lord Jesus seemingly saying: Hehehe... Before your first repentance, you were trying to gain God's favor, especially on how to get in to the Kingdom of God by your own efforts, religiosity and by being good. But none of those can earn you to the Kingdom of heaven, all of those fall short of God's standard. So, you were poor in spirit...spiritually bankrupt.

RG: Lord you're right I realized hat later.. you know the bad guys out there can easily recognize their spiritual bankruptcy. But for good boys like me, holy boys hhhmmm quite difficult.

Lord Jesus seemingly saying: Yes same as when I was here on earth in physical form. The Pharisee and the teachers of the law can not just get it. But the tax collector, the prostitutes the sinners easily got the idea of being poor in spirit.

RG: I remember my mother Lord, you know that she was very religious, a leader in our chapel. When I shared to her about being saved by faith.. oh her main concern was, how about the things that she has done? Good that when she was dying in bed I hear her said three times, she said: "Dios ko Dios ko, guiromdoma ako baku kundi sa guibo ko kungdi sa pagkahirak mo" (My God, my God, remember me not because of my works but because of your mercy). Finally my mother picked it up.

Lord Jesus seemingly saying: Yes although all people are spiritually poor but only those who knew that they are, can potentially go to kingdom of heaven. When someone sees this condition of his spirit, he can not help but mourn about it. He will see his hopelessness and then run to me and take the gift that I am offering him.. eternal life that I purchased with my blood..

RG: Yes Lord, I remember when you convicted me with my sin, my arrogance my pride that I am better than others. I cried out loud . Oh Lord what a comfort to know that from my spiritual bankruptcy, from nothingness and hopelessness you brought me to life of hope and eternity with you... that's why you said "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."

Lord Jesus seemingly saying: And if you continue to mourn about the effect of sin in your life, and in the life of others, pride that are holding people to come to me, rest assured of my comfort... that someday all of these will end... there will no more suffering because of sin and no more dying...

RG: Oh Lord what a great joy to look forward for that time...even right here and right now I can see ahead how it will be..what a blessed moment it would be..

Lord Jesus seemingly saying: That is why Blessed are those people who knew that the are poor in spirit because they can run to me and get to the kingdom heaven...Blessed are those who mourn because they saw their sinfulness and nothingness and the effects of sin in their lives because I will comfort them of the hope that someday all of these will end...
RG: Oh Jesus, you are indeed the ultimate BLESSING that God promised to Abraham long time ago..

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