Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Putting God to the Test

The next red letter text in my Bible.
Mat 4:7 Jesus answered him, "It is also written: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'"
This is still part of of the conversation between Jesus and Satan when the latter was tempting Jesus after Jesus spent 40 days in fasting.

RG: Lord, what do mean by putting God to the test? I'm a teacher, is it the same as giving test to my students? Is it challenging God to prove Himself?

Lord Jesus: It's probably good for you to see what part of the Scriptures I quoted it from.

RG: Ok Lord thanks for e-Sword I can easily locate it in seconds... here it goes. Hmm.. so God here is giving the laws to the Israelites, laws that they should follow once they will in the land of promise.
Deu 6:16 Do not test the LORD your God as you did at Massah.
Oh oh why? what happened in Massah? unsa ilang gi-massah? hehehe (joke!)

Lord Jesus: Go and find out what happened in Massah..

RG: Ok .. hmm I dont know exactly where Massah is, but the surrounding verses picture the scene of their dessert journey from Egypt to the promise land. They are thirsty and began quarreling with Moses until God provided water from the rock. and then here's what the verse says.
Exo 17:7 And he called the place Massah and Meribah because the Israelites quarreled and because they tested the LORD saying, "Is the LORD among us or not?"
When the Israelite asked "is the Lord among us or not?" they were putting God to the Test! Now its making sense. Lord a little more enlightenment I think I would get it.

Lord Jesus: You see RG these people have just experienced how God mightily brought them out of Egypt... how the God feed them with quail and manna, how God overshadow them with clouds during the day and light during the that they are thirsty they are asking Moses "Is the Lord among us or not?

I hope that you are listening to what was going on in their hearts when they asked this question. I hope you can sense the deep motive of their hearts, and most of all I hope you can see how they were treating God...

RG: Ah ah.. so it was not really a naive question. It was actually demanding from God to do something about their situation. I don't know if I'm right but they want to use God and hostage God to do something. There was no sense of humility before God.. I can feel their arrogance and demanding attitude.

Lord Jesus: That's exactly what Satan wanted me to do.. Since I am the Son of God, I can throw myself down and demand from God to send angels to catch me.. Just to prove that I am what I am.

RG: Lord I can see one more thing why this is wrong. In putting God to the test, there seems to be a shifting of role between me and God. I wanted him to do what I want rather than me doing what He wants. Who is the Lord here anyway?

Lord Jesus: and why would you like Him to do what you want?

Ronnie: I am ashame Lord to admit, but its because it boasts me and propels me to the place where people would honor and praise me and put where I would feel happy about myself and be comfortable.

Lord Jesus: I have to add one more thing. I hope you took notice the nearby verses of Deut. 6:16. can you go back to it?

RG: ok here it is:
Deu 6:13 Fear the LORD your God, serve him only and take your oaths in his name.
Deu 6:14 Do not follow other gods, the gods of the peoples around you;
Deu 6:15 for the LORD your God, who is among you, is a jealous God and his anger will burn against you, and he will destroy you from the face of the land.
Deu 6:16 Do not test the LORD your God as you did at Massah.
Lord Jesus: God is a jealous God and He will not give His glory to anyone... not to other gods and not even to yourself.. so "putting God to the test" is using God and demanding from God to boast yourself. It was different when Moses was arguing with God, he was arguing about the Glory of God being at stake and not his own glory or honor as the leader of the Israelites.

RG: Oh God, forgive me for in many instances I've put you to the test.. I remember the time I got burned out... I had so many similar questions that the Israelites had.. not because I did not know you but I was demanding that you to do something, and when You refused, I resented You, I didn't talked to you for months.. Oh I am thankful that You are merciful, you treated me like a Father rather than a jealous God..

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