Saturday, July 11, 2009

Why Lordship of Christ a Good News for Us.?

Dear mga Igsoon,
Since we started sharing sa atong HIsgot Hisgot few months ago, thought of Jesus as the pure Gospel had never got out of my mind. I was so facinated with its simplicity at the same time its greatness. I want to continue sa atong hisgot hisgot about JESUS as the gospel, infact for me, if we talk about the pure Gospel it will be Jesus alone, other addition or subtraction or multiplication or division of this pure gospel would make it irrelevant or difficult to permeate in some culture like the place where we are now. So sharing the pure gospel is bringing Jesus in the attention of man and let that man be confronted with the person of Jesus. We who are bearers of the gospel then must have a clear understanding of who Jesus is.
Little by little I am beginning to understand the simplicity of the Gospel as Jesus alone and nothing else. Yet this simple Gospel is so profound that when we are given the grace to know who Jesus is it would really make us see the seemingly elusive Christian life that we desire to have.
The simplicity of Jesus as the Good News (Gospel) lies on His being the Messiah (The Only Savior) and the Son of God (The Lord of All). These two is really the Good News and we can not separate them and consider one (His being the Savior) as the Good News and the other (His being Lord) as something we would struggle with. The Lordship of Christ is part of the Good News in fact it is the culmination and the climax of the Good News. I want to share with you why the Lordship of Christ is the epitome of the Gospel.
When God created man He created Him for His Glory. Man's design and make-up is to give glory to God. In other words Man's make-up is to live and recognize God as LORD. Apart from this purpose man will be disoriented and lost. Imagine a fish in the seashore, it will try to jump and jump with all its might gasping for oxygen and hoping that his last jump he end up in water, this is simply because fish are made to be in water. Mga Igsoon ko we are made to make God our LORD, that is why when Jesus is not LORD of our lives we like that fish in the seashore, struggling, gasping, just to live for few minutes. That's what exactly happen when Adam anf Eve sinned against God and tried to live without making God as their LORD. they tried to jump out of the water and started to struugle to live and died. And this is the life and death that we inhirited when we also jump out of the water and we too did not recognize God as Lord. We did not give glory to God the very purpose why He created us. Karon mga igsoon, ones in our life, He has given us the Good News that He want to resucitate us, bring us back to life, yet He also said that He is not just bringing us to life (Jesus as Savior) but He wants us swim back to where we belong!!! recognizing God (Jesus) as our Lord because ORIGINALLY that is what you are!!! Isn't it a GOOD NEWS!!! that at last we are home. The Lordship of Jesus is indeed the culmination of this Good News!!! because like the fish in the seashore,dead after minutes of struggle, was not only brought to life BUT now given a chance to swim back into the water where it truely belong!!!! Now we can Glorify God!!! if we live under the Lordship of Christ. That's what we are mga Igsoon ko WE ARE CREATED TO GLORIFY GOD and the only way to be back to that state is TO MAKE JESUS (GOD) OUR LORD... that is why Jesus as LORD is a Good News!!!
But, many of us just wanted the idea of being resucitated back to life but still wanting to stay sa "HUNASAN" do not want to swim back into the water of the Lordship of Christ. As a result we continue to gasp for oxygen, continue to be jumping and struggling to live the life Jesus gave us. Usahay maka timing ug libaong nga naay gamay tubig, medyo malipay gamay But that is not what our life is, nga mabuhi sa libaong Mga Igsoon ko throw yourself out into the water of the Lordship of Christ.... and begin to experience, the beauty of the ocean bed with God.
While sharing this mga Igsoon, I am also, again preaching the Gospel to myself.. the Gospel, of who is Jesus the only Savior and Lord..


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