Monday, July 19, 2010


This the next Red Letters in my Bible
Mat 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

RG: Righteousness!!! Oh Lord, a very rare commodity here on earth, its not even use by people anymore in ordinary conversations. I can only hear it preached and read from religious book and of course from the Bible.

Lord Jesus seemingly saying: You are right RG, but you know the word righteous and righteousness are two words that supposed to be concerned with everyday living. It means being ‘right’, ‘fair’, ‘just’ and ‘honest’. A righteous person is one who does right or is in the right.

RG: Wow! what a description. I can just imagine if all the people in our society are like that. From traffic enforcers, police, in the marketplace, drivers, government officials, congressmen, senators, judges and President. What a wonderful place to be!

Lord Jesus seemingly saying: I'm glad that you are longing for such society. and I want you not just to long for it, but crave and thirst for it. I told you in our last talk, that when my Kingdom will be established here on earth it will be more than what who have imagined.

RG: Oh Lord, let your Kingdom come!

Lord Jesus seemingly saying: Not yet RG, I still have to gather more righteous people from among nations. I want every tribe and every nation on earth to be represented in that Kingdom. So I want you to continue to be my partner in this business.

RG: But Lord is there any righteous men left?

Lord Jesus seemingly saying: You are right, no one is righteous not even you. But that moment when you accepted the righteousness that come from the Father, I declared you righteous when you trusted me. There will still be many who will thirst for that righteousness, and like you, they will be declared righteous too.

RG: Oh God. Where will I be if you did not made me righteous before you? I thank you Jesus for what you have done in the cross, you made yourself unrighteous by paying the penalty of unrighteousness and sin so that I will be righteous before God. You cloth me Lord with your righteousness.

Lord Jesus seemingly saying: RG, now that you are declared righteous I want you to live to that name. Be holy for thats what you are. Exercise what is right, what is fair, what is just with all honesty and sincerity. This is what it will be when my Kingdom come.

RG: Lord, please be gracious to me, teach me, mold me to be able to live a righteous life.

Lord Jesus seemingly saying: Just remain in me, and let my words remain in you and you will be fine.

RG: Thank you Lord..... Hmmm, Lord can I ask You something? Since I begin meditating the red letters in my Bible you always bring to my attention "Your Kingdom" Your first preaching was to repent for the Kingdom of heaven is near" and then you are talking about Your Kingdom that is coming here on earth". Can you explain it further?

Lord Jesus seemingly saying: The Kingdom of God is in Heaven, I created the earth so that it will be an extension of my Kingdom. When I created man, I gave him this earth to be his dominion, he is suppose to subdue it and be the ruler of the earth. So the earth is man's dominion. My Purpose was, as man rules the earth he is to reflect my glory and my character that's why I created him in my image. But man surrendered it to Satan by listening to him and disobeying Me, so from that time on Satan has been ruling many parts of the earth, his unrighteousness, injustice, unfairness and dishonesty is just everywhere. You can see it in the government, in cities, in marketplace in the streets, at home and even in the hearts of individuals. His demons are also here. He is still working hard to subdue this earth in fact he will be ruling this earth for sometime under one government. But he can not subdue it because there will still be many people who will not bow down to him.

RG: Yes Lord I read it in your word and I heard it preached before.

Lord Jesus seemingly saying: You don't have to be ignorant about this RG.. look at the banking system how they are slowly merging and currencies are uniting. Look at the advancement of internet capabilities. Can you imagine if the data base of Face Book, Google, Yahoo and Microsoft be gather together? that is enough to track down all political leaders, professionals and intellectuals of the earth. Everything now are gearing towards one world government and in preparation for Satan's temporary establishment of his kingdom.

RG: Yes Lord I also read about tribulation, oh it's a dreadful story! but I know that you will come and rescue your people.

Lord Jesus seemingly saying: Yes, That is the time when I will establish my Kingdom here on earth, because the earth is not his. This is reserved for the meek, and I see to it that the meek inherit this earth, I will give this to its rightful rulers, men who are like Adam before he surrender this to Satan. and I will be here to be the King of rulers, kings that will reflect my glory and my character. And you who have surrendered your life to me, should rejoice because you are a citizen of this Kingdom. Together we will rule this earth for 1000 years.

RG: Oh Lord, This is too wonderful to behold. You mean you will be our King and you will assign territories for us to govern? Oh Lord, a farm with pond for me is enough hehehehe I will be fishing the whole day.

Lord Jesus seemingly saying: Hehehehe sure you can have that pond teeming with so many fish but its more than that RG, there are so many wonderful things that will be there during this period, can you imagine this world ruled by Me?

RG: But Lord, I thought you are preparing us for heaven!

Lord Jesus seemingly saying: I will tell you more about that RG, but I want you to answer this; What did I promised you RG in John 3:16 when you believed?

RG: Eternal life.

Lord Jesus seemingly saying: Is living for 1000 years eternal life?

RG: Oh Oh... so there is more!!! Oh my God, Oh my Lord who can understand your ways! Your so great!!!how can you be mindful of me?

Lord Jesus seemingly saying: I love you RG, that's why I am mindful of your son JI said of me "I choose to die just to have you by my side for eternity"

Saturday, July 17, 2010


The next Red letter in my Bible:
Mat 5:5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
This still part of a special teaching session of Jesus with His disciples.

RG: Lord, I noticed that you started your sentences with "Blessed" what do you mean by this?

Lord Jesus Seemingly Saying: It means supremely blest, fortunate, well off and happy.

RG: Isn't it Lord this what people are looking for? Many people now use "God Bless" as way of wishing happiness.

Lord Jesus Seemingly Saying: Yes, but they will not find real blessedness until they become a citizen of the Kingdom.

RG: So that's why you said Blessed are the poor in spirit for it will lead to them to the Kingdom. Blessed are those who mourn for they will long for the Kingdom and be comforted.

Lord Jesus Seemingly Saying: Now I'm telling you "Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth"

RG: Lord this is a surprise!! before I ask you the most important question what do you mean by meek? Is it the same as humility?

Lord Jesus Seemingly Saying: Humility and meekness are similar, both of them are attitude of the heart of not being boastful nor arrogant even if you know that you have power and ability, but instead willing to serve others and willing to submit to God silently. He has confidence in God that everything that is happening to him is part of God's purpose in his life, so he do not complain but continue to submit to God. This is the attitude that God likes because He can guide and teach a person who are humble and meek. These are the characters that the Kingdom of God values.

RG: You have shown us exactly what it is Lord when you came and submit yourself to the cross. And how can a meek person inherit the earth? is this the same earth where we now live?

Lord Jesus Seemingly Saying: Yes, in this present time this will be more of the inhabitants of this world. Example in your case you can inherit the people where you are, to win them to the Kingdom.

RG: Oh Lord you know that it is my desire.

Lord Jesus Seemingly Saying:But RG there is more, and I want you to look forward for this: The full inheritance of the meek as far as this earth is concern is when I fully established my Kingdom here on earth. You will be co-heirs with me. It's not just the people that you will inherit but the earth itself. You will be one of my governors and administrators you will be with me in governing this planet for 1000 years.

RG: When will this be Lord?

Lord Jesus Seemingly Saying: When I come for the second time..

RG: But I might be dead that time...please don't forget my children or grandchildren.

Lord Jesus Seemingly Saying: Don't worry, even if you are dead, I will resurrect you back to life and I will give you an indestructible body together with those who died whose lives are surrendered to me. Those who are still alive and are my followers will also have a changed body and together you will float and meet me in the air. Then we will come back to earth and established my Kingdom and we will rule this earth for 1000 years. This earth will be in great abundance as never before. There will be peace, love, justice, safety and prosperity. Wild animals will be setting side by side to each other, there will no more fear, no more tears...

RG: What a wonderful world it would be!!! Please tell me more about this Kingdom Lord... Oh I have so many questions but this sight is enough for me to contain right now!!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Poor in Spirit

The next red letters in my Bible
Mat 5:3-4 "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."
Jesus taught these directly to His disciples. Others called this Beatitudes.

RG: Lord, Mat. 5 is a gold mine as far you teaching is concerned.

Lord Jesus seemingly saying: Yeah, I want you to prepare for it with a different mind. Remember what I taught you in the the preaching of John which was also my preaching? "Repent for the Kingdom of God is near". My teachings here are all Kingdom values and you can not understand many of these if you will not listen with different mindset (repentant).

RG: Oh Lord, please help me because I am not so familiar yet with thinking in different mindset.

Lord Jesus seemingly saying: That's good because its very much related to my first teaching. "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

RG: Oh yeah , how Lord? are you hinting that unable to think differently is being poor in the spirit? You know Lord I have a very negative experience about that word "poor in spirit". My mother use to call people without common sense as "pobre espiritu" that is why it was a surprise to me that people with "pobre espiritu" are actually blessed and the Kingdom of Heaven are theirs. How could this be?

Lord Jesus seemingly saying: Hehehe... Before your first repentance, you were trying to gain God's favor, especially on how to get in to the Kingdom of God by your own efforts, religiosity and by being good. But none of those can earn you to the Kingdom of heaven, all of those fall short of God's standard. So, you were poor in spirit...spiritually bankrupt.

RG: Lord you're right I realized hat later.. you know the bad guys out there can easily recognize their spiritual bankruptcy. But for good boys like me, holy boys hhhmmm quite difficult.

Lord Jesus seemingly saying: Yes same as when I was here on earth in physical form. The Pharisee and the teachers of the law can not just get it. But the tax collector, the prostitutes the sinners easily got the idea of being poor in spirit.

RG: I remember my mother Lord, you know that she was very religious, a leader in our chapel. When I shared to her about being saved by faith.. oh her main concern was, how about the things that she has done? Good that when she was dying in bed I hear her said three times, she said: "Dios ko Dios ko, guiromdoma ako baku kundi sa guibo ko kungdi sa pagkahirak mo" (My God, my God, remember me not because of my works but because of your mercy). Finally my mother picked it up.

Lord Jesus seemingly saying: Yes although all people are spiritually poor but only those who knew that they are, can potentially go to kingdom of heaven. When someone sees this condition of his spirit, he can not help but mourn about it. He will see his hopelessness and then run to me and take the gift that I am offering him.. eternal life that I purchased with my blood..

RG: Yes Lord, I remember when you convicted me with my sin, my arrogance my pride that I am better than others. I cried out loud . Oh Lord what a comfort to know that from my spiritual bankruptcy, from nothingness and hopelessness you brought me to life of hope and eternity with you... that's why you said "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."

Lord Jesus seemingly saying: And if you continue to mourn about the effect of sin in your life, and in the life of others, pride that are holding people to come to me, rest assured of my comfort... that someday all of these will end... there will no more suffering because of sin and no more dying...

RG: Oh Lord what a great joy to look forward for that time...even right here and right now I can see ahead how it will be..what a blessed moment it would be..

Lord Jesus seemingly saying: That is why Blessed are those people who knew that the are poor in spirit because they can run to me and get to the kingdom heaven...Blessed are those who mourn because they saw their sinfulness and nothingness and the effects of sin in their lives because I will comfort them of the hope that someday all of these will end...
RG: Oh Jesus, you are indeed the ultimate BLESSING that God promised to Abraham long time ago..

Monday, July 12, 2010

Fishers of Men

This is the next red letters in my Bible
Mat 4:19 "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."
This is the invitation of Jesus to Peter and his brother Andrew... they were fishermen in the sea of Galilee.

RG: Lord You are now recruiting your disciples right? and what's your bases for recruiting Peter and Andrew what are their qualifications?

The Lord Jesus seemingly saying: Nothing to do with qualifications because no one is qualified. Its all about my mercy that I choose them. Oh by the way this invitation is for all of those who hear and listening. Are you?

RG: Oh Lord, yes I am you know that since I meet you in college, it's always my desire to be a fisher of men. Before I was just fishing in the pond but this time you brought me into the ocean that I didn't have any hint on how to fish in this deep and sometimes raging ocean.

The Lord Jesus seemingly saying: RG, the principle is the same whether you are fishing in the pond or in the ocean... "COME, and FOLLOW ME".

RG: Lord its very difficult and complicated to be fishing for men in this deep and roaring ocean.

The Lord Jesus seemingly saying: RG, you are looking at the ocean, that is not what I want you to concentrate on.. I want you to concentrate on Coming to Me daily... and I will show you what to do. Then just follow me... before you know it, you are already catching fish... big fish... that's how you become fishers of men.

RG: Lord in my early years in Christian life its not the way I was taught to become fisher of men. We were taught to share the bridge illustrations, to share the testimony, one verse evangelism and few others. I went through several training on evangelism like cold turkey evangelism and house to house.. what value is that in becoming fisher of men.

The Lord Jesus seemingly saying: It will have a lasting value only if it is part of your "coming and following" Me. But if it is just a program or church activity its value will only last with the program.

RG: But Lord there are also many who got saved from that program.

The Lord Jesus seemingly saying: Yes, there are many and its because the Father is merciful to draw them to Me, and its not because of your skills in evangelism.

RG: I think Lord its both because if I didn't learn that skills how can your word be clearly explained and got result?

The Lord Jesus seemingly saying: Ok I will not argue with you now, we'll have more time to talk about it later. But I observe one thing from you RG when it comes to the business of fishing for men. You seems to be so concern about the result. You are so worried about when will you see someone comes to Me. How many and who are the candidates and possible people who might accept me.

RG: Isn't it a legitimate concern Lord?

The Lord Jesus seemingly saying: Yes it is, but sadly it is not more of your concern.. It's my concern. Your main concern is to come to me and follow me..You still don't understand it RG? I want you! first of all and not what you can do... I long for times like this... where you are talking to me and listening to what I am saying..than for you to be busy finding fish for me, then later feeling exhausted and then blame me that I left you alone. RG its not your plan its mine, so if you want to join me come to me and just follow me.

RG: Oh Lord who am I that you want to come to you? yet deep inside me I know that you long to fellowship with me as I also long to be with you.. Lord I dont want to leave your presence anymore.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


This is the next red letter in my Bible.
Mat 4:17 From that time on Jesus began to preach, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near."
Jesus began preaching with this words which was the same as what John the Baptist was saying.

RG: Lord You preached the same words that John the Baptist preached. Is it because his role is to prepare the way for you and you have to show that you are the one he was talking about?

Lord Jesus: Yeah but its more than that. There is something in that preaching that I want to emphasize upfront.

RG: Yeah I feel that these words are loaded. what do you mean by the Kingdom of heaven is near, in some translation say "at hand".

Lord Jesus: The Kingdom of heaven is the place where the King reigns, where God reign where He is obeyed as King and Lord.

RG: Is not the earth part of your Kingdom?

Lord Jesus: Yes but the first man that I assigned to rule the earth surrendered it to Satan by disobeying me. From that time on Satan had been claiming the earth as his and insisting to take control of the affairs of this world. He did a lot of damage especially in hearts of people. There was a time when I decided to wipe-out all that I have created by flood, but I can not just give up the people that I created in my own image. So I planned to strike back at Satan.

RG: You mean to say Lord that Satan has not really took control of the earth totally?

Lord Jesus: No, that is impossible, I am the creator and Lord of all that I created, so for each generation I have set aside people who did not bow down to him but continue to worship me. I choose individuals, families, clans and nation to continue to declare my Name until I come here the first time. So now I, the King is here, I brought with me the pure Kingdom of Heaven!!! The striking back is on.

RG: Then why did you tell your hearer to REPENT!! what do you mean by REPENT?

Lord Jesus: This is not the first time you read this word in the Scriptures. Go ahead see some verses both in the new and old testament and observed where repentance is associated with.

RG: Hmmm hard work hehehehe, but I am eager to know.
.... (finding the word repent using e-sword)
Ok 38 verses 12 from old testament and 26 from new testament. Both in the Old and New Testament repentance is associated with turning away from sin, or worship of other gods and turning to God, and in almost all cases, God forgave and restored the person or the nation who repented. Another observation Lord, your people has a cycle of sin-repent-forgiven and sin again repent again and forgiven...

Lord Jesus: Yes you're right and that is only for my people those who have done their first repentance.

RG: What do you mean?

Lord Jesus: Your first repentance happened when you believe in me that I am the one who saved you from your sin. And you also believe that I am the Lord that you should obey and not Satan nor his teaching and principles. So this is your first act of repentance; turning away from sin and turning to God. But I know that Satan has done a lot of damage to you, and while I am healing you, you will still sin, but I am always ready to forgive because those sins are included when I paid the penalty of sins on the cross.

RG: Oh Lord thank you so much for what you have done... I drowning in you Love...

Lord Jesus: There is one more thing that I want to tell you about repentance. The word that I used which is translated as "Repent" means "to think differently afterwards". You see you are coming from different kingdom.

RG: Lord, you know that I did not worship Satan, so I never been to his kingdom.

Lord Jesus: I know, but you've been living in your own kingdom of whom you are the king! and most of the laws you follow is the same as the laws of Satan, oh yeah, you also follow some of my laws but you were very selective... you like my laws when it favors you otherwise you just ignore it and follow the other camp. So, RG I hope you understand that when you made your first repentance it also means you surrendered your kingship and your kingdom.

RG: Yes I realized it later Lord that that's what it means.

Lord Jesus: So I want you to think differently now! because you now belong to a Heavenly Kingdom so I want your full attention to Kingdom that you now belong. If you keep on looking back to your little kingdom you will find it hard to understand the things of the Kingdom of God to which you now belong. OH I have so many wonderful things to tell you about this leave behind your little kingdom and focus your eyes on the Kingdom of God. This is what I mean by repentance... Think differently now!!!

RG: Oh Lord its getting more me and take where ever you want...Todo na Kasado na..

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


This is the next Red Letter in my Bible:
Mat 4:10 Jesus said to him, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.'"
This the response of Jesus when Satan promised Him the world if Jesus will bow down and worship Satan.

Lord Jesus: Now RG that you begin to listen, let me say this directly.
Satan's purpose in tempting you is for you to bow down and worship him.

You probably observed in my previous word exchanges with him that he was progressively pushing me to worship him.

First, he appealed to my physical needs -So I reminded him and myself that physical satisfaction is not everything that matter in life, what God said is equally important, and I would say more important than just satisfying our physical needs and wants. (Food, shelter, pleasure and comfort)

Second, he wanted me to shift role with God - I am God alright, but during this time I was a real man who bow down to obey the Father and will not do anything on my own. But Satan wanted me to shift role, he wanted me to tell the Father to do something when I throw myself into the air.

And finally, he wanted me to worship him. That is his goal..
This is exactly the same strategy he used when he tempted Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, and he will use the same strategy over and over again when he tempts you. He was successful with Adam and Eve, and he has been successful from that time on...until he met Me..

REJOICE RG!!!!, because you are my friend!!! you don't have to be counted as one of his successes. I am here to strengthen you and provide a way of scape for you.

RG: Oh God God...I worship you Lord....


RG: You mean to say Lord, temptation may lead to Satan worship?

Lord Jesus: If you yield to temptation, yes, because that is his objective...remember he usurped power from God and he wanted to be god so that angels and people will also worship him.

RG: Lord I can see this among unbelievers...but how about among the believers?

Lord Jesus: Oh RG, you have opened a wound in my heart...

RG: Why?

Lord Jesus: Because many many professing Christians are still living, believing that physical realm is what life is all about and that's all that matters... Good food, beautiful houses, lots of money, pleasure, sexual satisfaction, self satisfaction and comfortable life... therefore they are wide open for Satan to initiate temptation. Good that some of them learned not to shift role...but some go one step further...they wanted to rule and do it in their own way, some of them neglected God all the way but some continue to remember God to assist them to pursue worldly gain... so you still see them pray, go to fellowship thinking that they will have a connections in pursuing their agenda of satisfying their craving for physical satisfaction. They manipulate, exploit people and calling them brothers sisters in the Lord...This is not just happening among ordinary is happening in high profile Christian personalities.. leaders...pastors, name it...
RG my hearts bleeds for them... because I know that the next step is... they will be worshiping Satan...

RG: Oh Lord...I want to cry with you for this sad reality... I want to pray for my friends in the Navs, in Open Door and other friends who are professing to follow you. Now I understand why you teach your disciple a prayer that includes....."...and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil..."

Lord Jesus: That is why RG I always made it clear for everyone who wants to follow me that I am LORD, and I should not have a rival, not even your wife, your children and people that you love, not even yourself , and how much more with the things in this world... Not because I am insecure or trying to flex my muscles..I want everyone to bow down to me as Lord because sooner or later they will be bowing down to Satan as their lord... It's a way of loving you... protecting you under my wings... I am sad when Christians argue and defy my Lordship as if I am stripping them of their happiness

RG: Oh Lord... now I see the big perspective... yes Lord...You are my Lord and I will continue worship you as my Lord... who can resist this love...Oh God my loving God ...thank you so much..

Putting God to the Test

The next red letter text in my Bible.
Mat 4:7 Jesus answered him, "It is also written: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'"
This is still part of of the conversation between Jesus and Satan when the latter was tempting Jesus after Jesus spent 40 days in fasting.

RG: Lord, what do mean by putting God to the test? I'm a teacher, is it the same as giving test to my students? Is it challenging God to prove Himself?

Lord Jesus: It's probably good for you to see what part of the Scriptures I quoted it from.

RG: Ok Lord thanks for e-Sword I can easily locate it in seconds... here it goes. Hmm.. so God here is giving the laws to the Israelites, laws that they should follow once they will in the land of promise.
Deu 6:16 Do not test the LORD your God as you did at Massah.
Oh oh why? what happened in Massah? unsa ilang gi-massah? hehehe (joke!)

Lord Jesus: Go and find out what happened in Massah..

RG: Ok .. hmm I dont know exactly where Massah is, but the surrounding verses picture the scene of their dessert journey from Egypt to the promise land. They are thirsty and began quarreling with Moses until God provided water from the rock. and then here's what the verse says.
Exo 17:7 And he called the place Massah and Meribah because the Israelites quarreled and because they tested the LORD saying, "Is the LORD among us or not?"
When the Israelite asked "is the Lord among us or not?" they were putting God to the Test! Now its making sense. Lord a little more enlightenment I think I would get it.

Lord Jesus: You see RG these people have just experienced how God mightily brought them out of Egypt... how the God feed them with quail and manna, how God overshadow them with clouds during the day and light during the that they are thirsty they are asking Moses "Is the Lord among us or not?

I hope that you are listening to what was going on in their hearts when they asked this question. I hope you can sense the deep motive of their hearts, and most of all I hope you can see how they were treating God...

RG: Ah ah.. so it was not really a naive question. It was actually demanding from God to do something about their situation. I don't know if I'm right but they want to use God and hostage God to do something. There was no sense of humility before God.. I can feel their arrogance and demanding attitude.

Lord Jesus: That's exactly what Satan wanted me to do.. Since I am the Son of God, I can throw myself down and demand from God to send angels to catch me.. Just to prove that I am what I am.

RG: Lord I can see one more thing why this is wrong. In putting God to the test, there seems to be a shifting of role between me and God. I wanted him to do what I want rather than me doing what He wants. Who is the Lord here anyway?

Lord Jesus: and why would you like Him to do what you want?

Ronnie: I am ashame Lord to admit, but its because it boasts me and propels me to the place where people would honor and praise me and put where I would feel happy about myself and be comfortable.

Lord Jesus: I have to add one more thing. I hope you took notice the nearby verses of Deut. 6:16. can you go back to it?

RG: ok here it is:
Deu 6:13 Fear the LORD your God, serve him only and take your oaths in his name.
Deu 6:14 Do not follow other gods, the gods of the peoples around you;
Deu 6:15 for the LORD your God, who is among you, is a jealous God and his anger will burn against you, and he will destroy you from the face of the land.
Deu 6:16 Do not test the LORD your God as you did at Massah.
Lord Jesus: God is a jealous God and He will not give His glory to anyone... not to other gods and not even to yourself.. so "putting God to the test" is using God and demanding from God to boast yourself. It was different when Moses was arguing with God, he was arguing about the Glory of God being at stake and not his own glory or honor as the leader of the Israelites.

RG: Oh God, forgive me for in many instances I've put you to the test.. I remember the time I got burned out... I had so many similar questions that the Israelites had.. not because I did not know you but I was demanding that you to do something, and when You refused, I resented You, I didn't talked to you for months.. Oh I am thankful that You are merciful, you treated me like a Father rather than a jealous God..

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Man does not live on bread alone

The next red letter in my Bible is
"It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"(Mat. 4:4)
Jesus said this to Satan when He was tempted after spending 40 days of prayer and fasting.

Ronnie: Lord, I think there are many things to learn here... this could be your strongest teaching on how to face temptation, because you demonstrated it rather than just teaching. I know you can just kick Satan out right there in there, but You allowed him to trick You. So, I know its not for your sake that you allow it to happen but for us who observe You face the temptation.
Lord Satan knew your weakest point at that time, after 40 days without food ordinary man like me will naturally look for food and will do anything just to have it. But when Satan reminded you that you can turn the stone into bread (which I know You could), It's just amazing that you did not grab and buy his suggestion.

Lord Jesus: Yeah I learned it from the Scriptures that man shall not live just in physical realm but also in spiritual realm. By the way I was fully man when I face that temptation to satisfy my physical needs. So I was not different as you today.

You are right that Satan will tempt us on our weakest part. And one of the weak-spots of man is the flesh. Our physical body need a lot of things, food, water, comfort and pleasure. Satan will tell you that this is the only important things in order to live and I'm sad that many believe this lie.

Ronnie: Lord you know, I think many times I also believe it. I may not be saying it but I knew there were instances in my life that I think comfort and pleasure is everything... It is shown on what I think and what I relentlessly pursue. Often times I became insensitive to you during those days..

Lord Jesus: You are right, when you pursue comfort and pleasure you will be an easy prey of Satan. Closely connected to pursuit of comfort and pleasure is the pursuit of money, because money can facilitate comfort and can buy anything that you think can give you comfort and pleasure easily with money. If you think big house can give you comfort you can easily have it if you have money. Travels, good dress, cars, etc..etc.. you can have it if you have money. Pleasures can also be bought with money. Sex, drugs, parties...everything that you think is pleasurable can be possible if you have money. So its very easy to love money... I have more to say about money later..

Ronnie: So what's the right thing to do Lord?

Lord Jesus: Man does not live on bread alone - You tell yourself that you are not living on physical needs alone... you do not live on food, water, comfort and pleasure alone. So stop pursuing it as if its everything! be willing to give it up if necessary, at times you even have to abstain and die to self gratification. Don't be sad, because the Father knows that you need them and trust Him for your physical needs... I have many things to tell about the Father's concern for your physical needs later.

Ronnie: Oh Lord I know I read it before but I am so excited to reach that part where you teach about the Father who is very much concern of our physical needs... hehehehe.

Lord Jesus: Yeah that's why you don't live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. If this will be part of your system you will be victorious when Satan temp your flesh. Tell him in his face "Yeah my body longs for it, but I do not live on bread alone but on every word that my Father told me."

Ronnie: Oh Lord Jesus what shall I say... You are wonderful... I love you and I thank you...

Monday, July 5, 2010

The Red Letters in my Bible

My longing to have a meaningful conversation with Jesus has brought me to read the words in the New Testament particularly the Gospel which He directly spoke. They are in red letters in some of the Bibles.

As I read it I also begin to ask question and interact with Jesus about what He said.. This time of interaction is amazingly very enriching... so I decided to write them here.

I am following the book of Matthew:

Here is the first red letters in this book. This during the time of Jesus' Baptism by .John the Baptist.

"Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness." (Mat. 3:15)

Ronnie: Honestly, Lord I don't understand why you have to go through this baptism.

Jesus: Let it be so now;

Ronnie: You mean to say Lord there are things that I do not understand but I just have to accept it? I think I just have to trust You for that.

Jesus: it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness

Ronnie: Lord if I am John hearing you saying that "it is proper for us to this".. I think I will take You in your words. But what do you mean by "to fulfill all righteousness"? what righteousness are you talking about? What is the connection between your baptism to this righteousness? what is you baptism is all about?

Jesus: Look for other passages that talk about my baptism

Ronnie: Ok Lord here it comes:
Mar 10:38 "You don't know what you are asking," Jesus said. "Can you drink the cup I drink or be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with?"
Mar 10:39 "We can," they answered. Jesus said to them, "You will drink the cup I drink and be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with,
Mar 10:40 but to sit at my right or left is not for me to grant. These places belong to those for whom they have been prepared."

Luk 12:50 But I have a baptism to undergo, and how distressed I am until it is completed!
Ronnie: Ok now I think your baptism is not the same as the baptism of repentance but a baptism to start your life here on earth to fulfill what God has promised. The Salvation that will come from what you have done in the cross.. the suffering until death.. so that we can have the righteousness that God requires.
Thank you Jesus...

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