Monday, July 12, 2010

Fishers of Men

This is the next red letters in my Bible
Mat 4:19 "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."
This is the invitation of Jesus to Peter and his brother Andrew... they were fishermen in the sea of Galilee.

RG: Lord You are now recruiting your disciples right? and what's your bases for recruiting Peter and Andrew what are their qualifications?

The Lord Jesus seemingly saying: Nothing to do with qualifications because no one is qualified. Its all about my mercy that I choose them. Oh by the way this invitation is for all of those who hear and listening. Are you?

RG: Oh Lord, yes I am you know that since I meet you in college, it's always my desire to be a fisher of men. Before I was just fishing in the pond but this time you brought me into the ocean that I didn't have any hint on how to fish in this deep and sometimes raging ocean.

The Lord Jesus seemingly saying: RG, the principle is the same whether you are fishing in the pond or in the ocean... "COME, and FOLLOW ME".

RG: Lord its very difficult and complicated to be fishing for men in this deep and roaring ocean.

The Lord Jesus seemingly saying: RG, you are looking at the ocean, that is not what I want you to concentrate on.. I want you to concentrate on Coming to Me daily... and I will show you what to do. Then just follow me... before you know it, you are already catching fish... big fish... that's how you become fishers of men.

RG: Lord in my early years in Christian life its not the way I was taught to become fisher of men. We were taught to share the bridge illustrations, to share the testimony, one verse evangelism and few others. I went through several training on evangelism like cold turkey evangelism and house to house.. what value is that in becoming fisher of men.

The Lord Jesus seemingly saying: It will have a lasting value only if it is part of your "coming and following" Me. But if it is just a program or church activity its value will only last with the program.

RG: But Lord there are also many who got saved from that program.

The Lord Jesus seemingly saying: Yes, there are many and its because the Father is merciful to draw them to Me, and its not because of your skills in evangelism.

RG: I think Lord its both because if I didn't learn that skills how can your word be clearly explained and got result?

The Lord Jesus seemingly saying: Ok I will not argue with you now, we'll have more time to talk about it later. But I observe one thing from you RG when it comes to the business of fishing for men. You seems to be so concern about the result. You are so worried about when will you see someone comes to Me. How many and who are the candidates and possible people who might accept me.

RG: Isn't it a legitimate concern Lord?

The Lord Jesus seemingly saying: Yes it is, but sadly it is not more of your concern.. It's my concern. Your main concern is to come to me and follow me..You still don't understand it RG? I want you! first of all and not what you can do... I long for times like this... where you are talking to me and listening to what I am saying..than for you to be busy finding fish for me, then later feeling exhausted and then blame me that I left you alone. RG its not your plan its mine, so if you want to join me come to me and just follow me.

RG: Oh Lord who am I that you want to come to you? yet deep inside me I know that you long to fellowship with me as I also long to be with you.. Lord I dont want to leave your presence anymore.

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