Friday, March 13, 2009

The Two Kings

Dear Jay and R.G.

I am really interested on this topic. Let's have it discussed by starting on the questions that I asked, specially on question number one. Another is, please explain what the paragraph below means, specially on: "The starting point of salvation is the acknowledgment of Lordship of Christ." Unless this is explained, others will understand and participate on this. I will give my fearless view after your explanation.Okay?

Dear Bobot,
Bot, akong gibutang diri ang imong sumapay sa Hisgot hisgot aron naa tay document of discussion aron anybody can read back what we have already discussed.
Don't be so hot, lets discuss this slowly kay during sa among BS sa una ni Juni-boy iya ra tong ginadali-dali kay clase naman hehehehehe.
Let me share another parable about the Kingdom. Jesus shared this in the height of his popularity that so many people were following Him. Jesus was quick in clarifying to them what it takes to really follow Him.
Luk 14:31 Or what king, going to make war against another king, does not sit down first and consider whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand? Luk 14:32 Or else, while the other is still a great way off, he sends a delegation and asks conditions of peace. Luk 14:33 So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple.
He compared it with two kings one with great power and the other one with less power. Who are these two kings? Before I thought that this is Jesus and Satan respectively, but looking at the verse 33 and the previous verses it is obvious that He was talking about Himself and the people who wanted to follow Him. So its Jesus as King versus me another king. I look at my "kingship" ("queenship" sa mga girls hehehee), my "kingdom" those that I want to rule, wow!! there is a great freedom to live on my own and continue my ways... BUT when I met Jesus another King of great power, obviously my kingship and my kingdom has no much with His. Then I ask "WHAT SHALL I DO?" If I fight I know I will die, if I surrender I know I will live but it also means I will submit to Him and His condition is to forsake all. Now, His advice is for us to sitdown and compute. Is it worth the fight? or is it more worthy to raise up our white flag, and say LORD I surrender!!
The General Surrender of once life should be done and decided by every one who met Jesus. We will all struggle how to live a surrendered life but in every struggle we always reckon our lives with Jesus whom we accepted as our only Savior and have surrendered our lives and made Him LORD, KING of our lives.

BTW, Jesus use the word here "can not be my disciple" . Ang pangutana "Is being a Christian different from being a Disciple?"
Hala nagkadaghan na ang pangutana..... wala man gatubag sigi lang pasumbingay hehehehe.


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